Last year, shortly before Halloween, (which of course is the funnest
ever holiday) I took the "Spooky" banner class at The Scrapbook Barn in Gilbert, AZ. It was my first time making a banner. The class was hosted by "Spooky" creator, Melissa Waterbury. I fell in love with the banner the minute I saw it hanging in the store and couldn't wait for the night of the class to come, even though I didn't think I had a place at home to hang it. The class was perfect, Melissa is such a great teacher, and not only did I
find a place to hang the Halloween version, but I have been absolutely obsessed with banner making ever since! Currently the little nook in which I hang them is sadly bare and awaiting an Autumn banner. A "Summer Banner" didn't quite happen so I think my nook and I will just have to look forward to Autumn.

I did manage to make Christmas, Valentines, St. Patricks, Spring, and 4th of July Banners, however. Of those, "Spring" was hands down my favorite, although the "Birthday Banner" I am currently working on might just push it out of my top spot when it is finished. I will post a "complete" view after it is finished. I am trying something new to get the layering and lift that I want, so I will also post pictures of that process once I am sure that it works.A little hint is that it involves clothespins! I think it is a pretty neat little trick, I just have my fingers crossed that it turns out the way I picture it in my mind. We'll see in a few days.